
(But Norm lets me have my way most the time….just one reason why I keep him.)

Let’s get this party post started, shall we?

Opposites attract. That’s what they say. It’s true. Let me demonstrate how:

Him                                                     Her

Math………………………………………………………….Liberal Arts
Rappel from buildings…………………………………Crochet from couch
Water skiing………………………………………………Alpine Skiing
SWAT Team……………………………………………….Book Club

(Bet you thought that he was “rock” and was “country,” didn’t you? Now don’t go judging books, mind you.)

Norm and I have found common ground in what we value: honesty, fidelity, loyalty, family, and elbow grease. I also value that he puts up with a lot from two girly-girls.

One year he took me and Jillian to Laura Ingalls Wilder’s house in Mansfield, Missouri. Not because he was enamored of the Little House books, but because we were.

Laura Ingalls Wilder Home Mansfield MO (2)

Bless his heart, he played tea party and listened to Jillian’s incessant chatter when he came home from work, though he doesn’t like sweets and probably would have preferred to listen to the evening news.

Easter Cakes

Even when I was discouraged, he prodded me ever so gently to continue searching for a publisher for Marie Landry.

Barnes and Noble

He has given our family a home (several over the years, in fact) and has never left my side, neither in sickness nor in health.

Front Porch

My list could go on for pages, but in deference to my reticent man, let me close with one more thought:

Happy Six-Oh to my dream-maker – we’ve loved each other for thirty years and I hope for a hundred more! ∞

Norm's BDay Cards